67ceb60ffd01300024bc3b38Starpeace Ivy Candy Pepperminthttps://store.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/67ceb6c8fd01300024bc4229/54592percent20peppermintpercent20-1-.jpgStarpeace hard candy, contain ivy leaf extract, which has proven to be very effective in treating cough symptoms and relieving chest congestion, it loosens & clears mucus, reduce cough symptoms, and shown to improve chest congestion effectively, assists in soothing the chest by opening and calming the airways associated with a chesty cough due to a cold or other respiratory conditions, and shown to ease breathing symptoms, it also works to cleanse the respiratory tract and relieve the symptoms of sore throat, due to its antiseptic effect.54592
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{"_id":"67ceb60ffd01300024bc3b38","sku":"54592","brand":"STARPEACE","name":"Starpeace Ivy Candy Peppermint","publish":"1","price":39,"seller":"5e5ba36356297b5dd7d7df93","approve":"approved","shippingTax":"default","unique_barcodes":[],"uniquesku":["54592"],"attributes":[{"name":"_brand","value":"STARPEACE","_id":"67cec0e0fd01300024bc91d0"}],"available":true,"sort_order":0,"compare_price_discount":0,"compare_price_discount_pct":0,"images":[{"image":"67ceb6c8fd01300024bc4229/54592percent20peppermintpercent20-1-.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"67ceb6c8fd01300024bc4228","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"54592%20peppermint%20(1).jpg","_id":"67ceb6c8fd01300024bc4229"}}},{"image":"67ceb6c8fd01300024bc422b/54592percent20peppermintpercent20-2-.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"67ceb6c8fd01300024bc422a","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"54592%20peppermint%20(2).jpg","_id":"67ceb6c8fd01300024bc422b"}}}],"media":[],"inventory_management":"automatic","dimension":{},"options":[],"SEO":{},"files":[],"location_availability_mode":"default","ondc":{},"google_shopping":{},"gift_card_options":{"type":"digital","valid_for":{}},"metafields":{"how_to_use":"Dissolve 1 lozenge slowly in the mouth every 2 to 4 hours, or as prescribed by doctor.","ingredients":"المكونات الفعالة:\n مستخلص أوراق اللبلاب (0.491% وزن/وزن)\n12.275 ملجم (الكمية لكل قطعة حلوى) وزن/وزن)\n\nالمكونات الأخرى:\n (الكمية لكل قطعة حلوى)\n السكر (محلي) 1.076 جم\nشراب الجلوكوز 1.076 جم\nالماء 0.310 جم\nلون الكراميل 0.006 جم\nعامل التبريد (نكهة) 0.006 جم\nزيت النعناع (نكهة) 0.003 جم\nبلورات المنثول (تبريد) 0.001 جم","benefits":"Relief cough, Remove thick viscous mucous, Clean out the airways & Provide cool and fresh sensation","unitSAP":"EA","skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{}},"variants":[],"alias":"starpeace-ivy-candy-peppermint","created_on":"2025-03-10T09:51:11.341Z","_created_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"ستاربيس اقراص استحلاب نكهة النعناع","description":"ستاربيس اقراص استحلاب تحتوي على مستخلص أوراق اللبلاب، والذي ثبت فعاليته في تخفيف أعراض السعال وتخفيف احتقان الصدر، حيث يساعد في التخلص من البلغم و طرده ، وتقليل أعراض السعال، وقد أظهرت الدراسات تحسين احتقان الصدر بشكل فعّال. عن طريق فتح وتهدئة الشعب الهوائية المرتبطة بالسعال نتيجة لنزلات البرد أو حالات امراض الجهاز التنفسى الأخرى، وقد أظهرت الدراسات قدرته على تخفيف أعراض صعوبة التنفس. كما يعمل أيضًا على تنقية المسالك التنفسية وتخفيف أعراض التهاب الحلق بفعل تأثيره المطهر.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"يمص قرص استحلاب 1 ببطء في الفم كل ساعتين إلى 4 ساعات، أو بحسب إرشادات طبيبك.","ingredients":"Active Ingredients :\nIvy Leaf Extract 0.491 (% W/W)\n12.275 mg (Quantity per Candy)\n\nOther Ingredients:\n(Quantity Per Candy)\nSugar (Sweetner) 1.076 gm\nGlucose Syrup 1.076 gm\nWater 0.310 gm\nCaramel Color 0.006 gm\nCooling Agent (Flavoring) \n0.006 gm\nPepperment Oil (Flovoring) \n0.003 gm\nMentol Crystal (Cooling) \n0.001 gm","benefits":"تخفيف السعال\nإزالة البلغم اللزج الكثيف\nتنظيف المسالك التنفسية\nالشعور بالانتعاش والتخلص من الاحتقان"}}}},"categories":["vitamins-and-supplements-1","herbals"],"default_variant":null,"description":"Starpeace hard candy, contain ivy leaf extract, which has proven to be very effective in treating cough symptoms and relieving chest congestion, it loosens & clears mucus, reduce cough symptoms, and shown to improve chest congestion effectively, assists in soothing the chest by opening and calming the airways associated with a chesty cough due to a cold or other respiratory conditions, and shown to ease breathing symptoms, it also works to cleanse the respiratory tract and relieve the symptoms of sore throat, due to its antiseptic effect.","inventory_management_level":"product","inventory_quantity":6,"kunooz_sort_order":100,"substore":["kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"tax":"5e7afbf58c3a1a400643f7c3","updated_on":"2025-03-10T10:37:20.818Z","whites_sort_order":100,"min_limit_to_buy_this_product":1,"list_price":39,"our_price":39,"original_price":39,"discounts_total":0,"discounts_percentage":"0.000","discount_total":0,"original_sort_order":0,"approved_prescription":"unapproved","featured_image":{"image":"67ceb6c8fd01300024bc4229/54592percent20peppermintpercent20-1-.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"67ceb6c8fd01300024bc4228","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"54592%20peppermint%20(1).jpg","_id":"67ceb6c8fd01300024bc4229"}}},"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{},"newimages":true}
Starpeace hard candy, contain ivy leaf extract, which has proven to be very effective in treating cough symptoms and relieving chest congestion, it loosens & clears mucus, reduce cough symptoms, and shown to improve chest congestion effectively, assists in soothing the chest by opening and calming the airways associated with a chesty cough due to a cold or other respiratory conditions, and shown to ease breathing symptoms, it also works to cleanse the respiratory tract and relieve the symptoms of sore throat, due to its antiseptic effect.
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Relief cough, Remove thick viscous mucous, Clean out the airways & Provide cool and fresh sensation
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Dissolve 1 lozenge slowly in the mouth every 2 to 4 hours, or as prescribed by doctor.
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المكونات الفعالة: مستخلص أوراق اللبلاب (0.491% وزن/وزن) 12.275 ملجم (الكمية لكل قطعة حلوى) وزن/وزن) المكونات الأخرى: (الكمية لكل قطعة حلوى) السكر (محلي) 1.076 جم شراب الجلوكوز 1.076 جم الماء 0.310 جم لون الكراميل 0.006 جم عامل التبريد (نكهة) 0.006 جم زيت النعناع (نكهة) 0.003 جم بلورات المنثول (تبريد) 0.001 جم