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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://store.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
6745b26d20b3490024e09d46 Nature Hairs Miracle 50ml https://store.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6745b26d20b3490024e09d48/5201279073527.jpg A unique natural hair oil, especially enriched with lavender, lemon, cumin, rosemary, and black pepper essential oils. This nature-inspired oil will nourish and strengthen the hair while restoring its health and vitality. It is a must-have first step in a hair care routine, and in fact, it boosts the effectiveness of the products you apply after. A slight sense of hyperemia may occur due to the microcirculation stimulation induced by the essential oils. The scalp will be amazingly toned and for this reason, hair growth will be maximized. 54270
in stockSAR 92.28999999999999
{"_id":"6745b26d20b3490024e09d46","sku":"54270","brand":"APIVITA","name":"Nature Hairs Miracle 50ml","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"ابيفيتا زيت مغذي لفروة الرأس (للقشرة الجافة والدهنية) 50مل","description":"زيت طبيعي فريد للشعر ، غني بشكل خاص بزيوت اللافندر والليمون والكمون وإكليل الجبل والفلفل الأسود.\nهذا الزيت المستوحى من الطبيعة سوف يغذي ويقوي الشعر مع استعادة صحته وحيويته. إنها خطوة أولى لا بد منها في روتين العناية بالشعر ، وفي الواقع ، فهي تعزز فعالية المنتجات التي تطبقها بعد ذلك.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"ضعي معجزة الشعر من APIVITA Nature لتقوية وتنشيط الشعر مرة أو مرتين في الأسبوع ، قبل غسل الشعر بالشامبو. مشطي شعرك للخلف ، وقسميه إلى أقسام ضيقة ، ثم املأي الماصة. تنطبق على الجذور (أساسا في الجزء العلوي من الرأس) عن طريق تحريك ماصة للخلف من خلال 3-5 أقسام. دلكي بلطف بحركات دائرية ، ثم اتركيه لمدة 10-15 دقيقة. ضع الشامبو فوقه. تجنب ملامسة العينين. للاستخدام الخارجي فقط.","ingredients":"Organic Propolis extract \nOlive oil\nVitamin E and K, oleic acid, and antioxidants\nLavender, lemon, cumin, rosemary, and black pepper essential oils","benefits":"مستخلص البروبوليس العضوي له خصائص مضادة للميكروبات. يساعد على منع تساقط الشعر وفي نفس الوقت يساعد على إعادة نمو الشعر بشكل أسرع ؛\nزيت الزيتون غني بفيتامين E و K وحمض الأوليك ومضادات الأكسدة. سيجلب هذا المكون المذهل الرطوبة والنعومة والقوة لشعرك مع منعه من التساقط.\nزيوت اللافندر والليمون والكمون وإكليل الجبل والفلفل الأسود الأساسية ، سوف تعمل على توحيد لون فروة الرأس وتحفيز دوران الأوعية الدقيقة."}}}},"description":"A unique natural hair oil, especially enriched with lavender, lemon, cumin, rosemary, and black pepper essential oils. 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For external use only.","ingredients":"Organic Propolis extract \nOlive oil\nVitamin E and K, oleic acid, and antioxidants\nLavender, lemon, cumin, rosemary, and black pepper essential oils","benefits":"Organic Propolis extract has antimicrobial properties. It helps to prevent hair loss and at the same time helps to regrow hair faster;\nOlive oil is rich in vitamin E and K, oleic acid, and antioxidants. 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Nature Hairs Miracle 50ml

SAR 92.29SAR 123.05 SAVE 25%

Save 25%

{"_id":"66ad571321570b9fc3043571","name":"Save 25%","saved_amount":30.76,"type":"percentage","amount":25,"description":"Save 25%"}
A unique natural hair oil, especially enriched with lavender, lemon, cumin, rosemary, and black pepper essential oils. This nature-inspired oil will nourish and strengthen the hair while restoring its health and vitality. It is a must-have first step in a hair care routine, and in fact, it boosts the effectiveness of the products you apply after. A slight sense of hyperemia may occur due to the microcirculation stimulation induced by the essential oils. The scalp will be amazingly toned and for this reason, hair growth will be maximized.
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Organic Propolis extract has antimicrobial properties. It helps to prevent hair loss and at the same time helps to regrow hair faster; Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and K, oleic acid, and antioxidants. This amazing ingredient will bring moisture, smoothness, and strength to your hair while preventing it from falling; Lavender, lemon, cumin, rosemary, and black pepper essential oils, will tone the scalp and stimulate microcirculation.
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Apply APIVITA Nature's Hair Miracle Strengthening & Energizing Hair once or twice a week, before shampooing. Comb your hair backward, divide into narrow sections, then fill the pipette. Apply to the roots (mainly on top of the head) by moving the pipette backward through 3-5 sections. Gently massage with circular movements, then leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Apply the shampoo on top of it. Avoid contact with the eyes. For external use only.
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Organic Propolis extract Olive oil Vitamin E and K, oleic acid, and antioxidants Lavender, lemon, cumin, rosemary, and black pepper essential oils
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