66a0e2eecd2b1d47035d6d08Gengicure Gel 15Gmhttps://store.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66a21d74e9e68e1cb8213122/52536.jpgAccelerate the healing of internal and external mouth ulcers. A Special formula designed to relieve the pain immediately and accelerate the natural healing process. Hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of new and healthy tissue; in return, the symptoms, number, size and frequency of ulcers will be reduced.52536
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Accelerate the healing of internal and external mouth ulcers. A Special formula designed to relieve the pain immediately and accelerate the natural healing process. Hyaluronic acid stimulates the production of new and healthy tissue; in return, the symptoms, number, size and frequency of ulcers will be reduced.
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Contains Hyaluronic Acid - Made from Natural ingredients and is Paraben, Sugar and Colorant free - High safety profile: suitable for pregnant women, diabetic patients and ages above 2 years old - Reduces pain within minutes - Accelerated natural healing process - Easy to use
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Apply a film of gel onto affected area only, massaging gently with clean fingers to aid its correct distribution and then keep it to dry for 30 - 60 seconds - It is advisable not to eat or drink for at least 30 minutes after application