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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://store.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
5e9d4bfc6b9b266f58c195b1 Galvus Met 50/850 mg 60 Tab https://store.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66a21d43862a56e604310b3c/26980.jpg

The active substances in Vildagliptin/Metformin, vildagliptin and metformin, belong to a group of medicines called "oral antidiabetics". Vildagliptin/Metformin is used to treat adult patients with type 2 diabetes. This form of diabetes is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Vildagliptin/Metformin is used when the diabetes cannot be controlled with diet and exercise alone and/or with other medicines used to treat diabetes (insulin or sulphonylurea). Type 2 diabetes develops if the body does not produce enough insulin, or if the insulin produced by the body does not work as well as it should. Diabetes can also develop if the body makes too much glucagon . Both insulin and glucagon are made in the pancreas. Insulin helps to reduce blood sugar levels, especially after meals. Glucagon induces the production of sugar in the liver, and causes blood sugar levels to rise.

out of stock SAR 100.4
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Contact a doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure. The recommended dose is: One film-coated tablet of either 50 mg/850 mg or 50 mg/1000 mg twice daily. If you have reduced kidney function, the doctor may prescribe a lower dose. The doctor may also prescribe a lower dose if you are taking a medicine for diabetes called a sulfonylurea. The doctor may prescribe this medicine alone or together with certain other medicines that lower your blood sugar. When and how to take Vildagliptin/Metformin: Swallow the tablets whole with a glass of water Take one tablet in the morning and the other in the evening, with or immediately after food. By taking the tablet immediately after a meal, the risk of an upset stomach will be reduced. Continue to follow the dietary recommendations you have received from your doctor. 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Prescription Required

Galvus Met 50/850 mg 60 Tab

SAR 100.4
This Product is only deliverable in Riyadh

The active substances in Vildagliptin/Metformin, vildagliptin and metformin, belong to a group of medicines called "oral antidiabetics". Vildagliptin/Metformin is used to treat adult patients with type 2 diabetes. This form of diabetes is also known as non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Vildagliptin/Metformin is used when the diabetes cannot be controlled with diet and exercise alone and/or with other medicines used to treat diabetes (insulin or sulphonylurea). Type 2 diabetes develops if the body does not produce enough insulin, or if the insulin produced by the body does not work as well as it should. Diabetes can also develop if the body makes too much glucagon . Both insulin and glucagon are made in the pancreas. Insulin helps to reduce blood sugar levels, especially after meals. Glucagon induces the production of sugar in the liver, and causes blood sugar levels to rise.

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How much Vildagliptin/Metformin a person should take depends on his/her condition. The doctor will tell you exactly how many tablets to take of Vildagliptin/Metformin. Always use this medicine exactly as your doctor has told you. Contact a doctor or pharmacist if you are unsure. The recommended dose is: One film-coated tablet of either 50 mg/850 mg or 50 mg/1000 mg twice daily. If you have reduced kidney function, the doctor may prescribe a lower dose. The doctor may also prescribe a lower dose if you are taking a medicine for diabetes called a sulfonylurea. The doctor may prescribe this medicine alone or together with certain other medicines that lower your blood sugar. When and how to take Vildagliptin/Metformin: Swallow the tablets whole with a glass of water Take one tablet in the morning and the other in the evening, with or immediately after food. By taking the tablet immediately after a meal, the risk of an upset stomach will be reduced. Continue to follow the dietary recommendations you have received from your doctor. If you follow a diabetic weight control diet, it is particularly important that you continue this while taking Vildagliptin/Metformin.

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