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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://store.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
64d39b06f07792a53ec5cb89 Elf Hydrating Camo Concealer-Medium Warm https://store.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/67a1c00562891e002b5b2b42/609332848313.jpg Here is the translation to English: **Defining Facial Features**: Contouring helps define facial features, such as highlighting the cheekbones and jawline, giving the face a more defined and beautiful appearance. **Adding Dimension to the Face**: By using contouring, you can create visual effects that add dimension to your face, making it look more balanced and attractive. **Minimizing Certain Areas**: You can use contour to reduce the size of certain areas you'd like to minimize, such as slimming the nose or adjusting the shape of the forehead, which enhances your facial features. **Highlighting Beauty Features**: Contouring enhances beauty features, like emphasizing the cheekbones or defining the jawline, giving you a brighter and more appealing look. **Natural or Dramatic Look**: With precise contouring, you can achieve either a natural look or a more dramatic one, depending on your personal preferences. **Concealing Imperfections**: Contouring helps conceal imperfections or inconsistencies in the face, such as lines or blemishes, enhancing the overall appearance. 48687
in stockSAR 69
{"_id":"64d39b06f07792a53ec5cb89","sku":"48687","brand":"ELF","name":"Elf Hydrating Camo Concealer-Medium Warm","price":69,"seller":"5e5ba36356297b5dd7d7df93","publish":"1","approve":"approved","shippingTax":"default","unique_barcodes":[],"uniquesku":["48687"],"attributes":[{"name":"_brand","value":"ELF","_id":"67bedeb4a4467c002b563de1"}],"available":true,"sort_order":0,"compare_price_discount":0,"images":[{"image":"67a1c00562891e002b5b2b42/609332848313.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"67a1c00562891e002b5b2b41","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"609332848313.jpg","_id":"67a1c00562891e002b5b2b42"}}}],"media":[],"inventory_management":"automatic","dimension":{},"options":[],"SEO":{},"files":[],"location_availability_mode":"default","ondc":{},"google_shopping":{},"gift_card_options":{"type":"digital","valid_for":{}},"metafields":{"how_to_use":"Here is the translation to English:\n\n**Choose contour products that suit your skin tone**: Darker contour shades are usually brown or warm brown, while lighter highlight shades are a shade or two lighter than your skin tone.\n\n**Preparing the Skin**: \nBefore applying contour, make sure your skin is clean and moisturized. Use foundation to even out your skin tone, then apply contour and highlight.\n\n**Defining the Areas for Contour**: \n- **Dark Contour**: Apply it to the areas you want to define, such as the sides of the nose, beneath the cheekbones (to define them), along the jawline, and at the sides of the forehead. \n- **Light Highlight**: Apply it to the areas you want to illuminate, such as under the eyes (in an inverted triangle shape), on top of the cheekbones, along the bridge of the nose, and in the center of the forehead (if you want a bright look).\n\n**Application Method**: \n- **Contour**: Use an angled contour brush or a sponge to apply the dark shade to the defined areas, blending with upward strokes. Always blend the product well for a natural result. \n- **Highlight**: Use a small brush or your finger to apply the highlight to the areas you want to emphasize. You can also use a makeup sponge to blend the shades well.\n\n**Good Blending**: \nMake sure to blend the contour and highlight properly using a makeup sponge or brush. The goal is to achieve a natural, seamless look without clear lines between the colors.\n\n**Setting the Contour**: \nUse powder to set the contour and absorb excess shine, giving the face a long-lasting, natural appearance throughout the day.","ingredients":"All e.l.f. products are free from phthalates, parabens, nonylphenol ethoxylates, triclosan, triclocarban, and hydroquinone. All skincare is also free from sulfates.\n\nAll e.l.f. products are Vegan and Cruelty Free.\n\nThis product is made in a Fair-Trade Certified factory.","benefits":"This product is perfect for the natural contours of your face; While adding buildable color and hydrating your complexion; Thanks to this lightweight, squalane-infused formula. Vegan 2% Squalene Phthalate Free; Paraben. nonylphenol. ethoxylate. triclosan. triclocarban. and hydroquinone","unitSAP":"EA","skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{}},"alias":"elf-liquid-contour-tan-deep","created_on":"2023-08-09T13:56:22.583Z","_created_by":"63426d207c95a3723f427977","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"ايلف خافي عيوب مرطب - وارم وسط","description":"تحديد ملامح الوجه:\nالكونتور يساعد في تحديد ملامح الوجه، مثل إبراز عظام الخد والفك، مما يمنح الوجه مظهرًا أكثر تحديدًا وجمالًا.\n\nإضفاء بعد للوجه:\nمن خلال استخدام الكونتور، يمكنك خلق تأثيرات بصرية تضفي بعدًا على وجهك، مما يجعله يبدو أكثر تناسقًا وشكلًا جذابًا.\n\nتصغير بعض المناطق:\nيمكنكِ استخدام الكونتور لتصغير بعض المناطق التي قد تودين تقليص حجمها، مثل تصغير الأنف أو تعديل شكل الجبهة، مما يعزز ملامح وجهك.\n\nإبراز الملامح الجمالية:\nالكونتور يعزز الملامح الجمالية، مثل إبراز الخدين أو تحديد الفك، ليمنحكِ مظهرًا أكثر إشراقًا وجاذبية.\n\nمظهر طبيعي أو دراماتيكي:\nباستخدام الكونتور بطريقة دقيقة، يمكنكِ الحصول على مظهر طبيعي أو مظهر دراماتيكي حسب تفضيلاتك الشخصية.\n\nإخفاء العيوب:\nيساعد الكونتور في إخفاء بعض العيوب أو عدم التناسق في الوجه، مثل الخطوط أو الشوائب على البشرة، مما يعزز المظهر العام.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"اختاري منتجات الكونتور التي تتناسب مع لون بشرتك. عادةً ما تكون الألوان الداكنة (أو الكونتور) مائلة للون بني أو بني دافئ، بينما الألوان الفاتحة (أو الهايلايت) تكون أفتح بدرجة أو درجتين من لون بشرتك.\nتحضير البشرة:\n\nقبل تطبيق الكونتور، تأكدي من أن بشرتك نظيفة ومرطبة. استخدمي كريم أساس لتوحيد لون البشرة، ثم يمكنك تطبيق الكونتور والهايلايت.\nتحديد المناطق التي تحتاج للكونتور:\n\nالكونتور الداكن: ضعيه على المناطق التي تريدين تحديدها، مثل جانبي الأنف، أسفل عظام الخد (لتحديدها)، على طول خط الفك، وعلى جوانب الجبهة.\nالهايلايت الفاتح: ضعيه على المناطق التي تريدين إضائتها، مثل أسفل العينين (على شكل مثلث مقلوب)، أعلى عظام الخد، على جسر الأنف، وفي منتصف الجبهة (إذا كنتِ تريدين مظهرًا مشرقًا).\nطريقة التطبيق:\n\nالكونتور: استخدمي فرشاة كونتور مائلة أو إسفنجة لتطبيق اللون الداكن على المناطق المحددة، مع التمرير بحركات تصاعدية. يُفضل دائمًا دمج اللون جيدًا للحصول على نتيجة طبيعية.\nالهايلايت: استخدمي فرشاة صغيرة أو إصبعك لتطبيق الهايلايت على المناطق التي تريدين إبرازها. يمكنكِ أيضًا استخدام إسفنجة مكياج لدمج الألوان بشكل جيد.\nالدمج الجيد:\n\nتأكدي من دمج الكونتور والهايلايت بشكل جيد باستخدام إسفنجة مكياج أو فرشاة. الهدف هو الحصول على مظهر طبيعي ومتناغم دون ظهور خطوط واضحة بين الألوان.\nتثبيت الكونتور:\n\nاستخدمي بودرة لتثبيت الكونتور وامتصاص اللمعان الزائد، وذلك لمنح الوجه مظهرًا ثابتًا وطبيعيًا طوال اليوم.","benefits":"هذا المنتج مثالي لتعزيز الملامح الطبيعية لوجهك ؛ مع إضافة لون قابل للبناء وترطيب بشرتك ؛ بفضل هذه التركيبة الخفيفة الوزن والمشبعة بالسكوالين. نباتي 2٪ سكوالين خالٍ من الفثالات ؛ بارابين. نونيلفينول. إيثوكسيلات. تريكلوسان. تريكلوكاربان. والهيدروكينون"}}}},"categories":["make-up","face","contour"],"description":"Here is the translation to English:\n\n**Defining Facial Features**: \nContouring helps define facial features, such as highlighting the cheekbones and jawline, giving the face a more defined and beautiful appearance.\n\n**Adding Dimension to the Face**: \nBy using contouring, you can create visual effects that add dimension to your face, making it look more balanced and attractive.\n\n**Minimizing Certain Areas**: \nYou can use contour to reduce the size of certain areas you'd like to minimize, such as slimming the nose or adjusting the shape of the forehead, which enhances your facial features.\n\n**Highlighting Beauty Features**: \nContouring enhances beauty features, like emphasizing the cheekbones or defining the jawline, giving you a brighter and more appealing look.\n\n**Natural or Dramatic Look**: \nWith precise contouring, you can achieve either a natural look or a more dramatic one, depending on your personal preferences.\n\n**Concealing Imperfections**: \nContouring helps conceal imperfections or inconsistencies in the face, such as lines or blemishes, enhancing the overall 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Elf Hydrating Camo Concealer-Medium Warm

SAR 69

Here is the translation to English: **Defining Facial Features**: Contouring helps define facial features, such as highlighting the cheekbones and jawline, giving the face a more defined and beautiful appearance. **Adding Dimension to the Face**: By using contouring, you can create visual effects that add dimension to your face, making it look more balanced and attractive. **Minimizing Certain Areas**: You can use contour to reduce the size of certain areas you'd like to minimize, such as slimming the nose or adjusting the shape of the forehead, which enhances your facial features. **Highlighting Beauty Features**: Contouring enhances beauty features, like emphasizing the cheekbones or defining the jawline, giving you a brighter and more appealing look. **Natural or Dramatic Look**: With precise contouring, you can achieve either a natural look or a more dramatic one, depending on your personal preferences. **Concealing Imperfections**: Contouring helps conceal imperfections or inconsistencies in the face, such as lines or blemishes, enhancing the overall appearance.
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This product is perfect for the natural contours of your face; While adding buildable color and hydrating your complexion; Thanks to this lightweight, squalane-infused formula. Vegan 2% Squalene Phthalate Free; Paraben. nonylphenol. ethoxylate. triclosan. triclocarban. and hydroquinone
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Here is the translation to English: **Choose contour products that suit your skin tone**: Darker contour shades are usually brown or warm brown, while lighter highlight shades are a shade or two lighter than your skin tone. **Preparing the Skin**: Before applying contour, make sure your skin is clean and moisturized. Use foundation to even out your skin tone, then apply contour and highlight. **Defining the Areas for Contour**: - **Dark Contour**: Apply it to the areas you want to define, such as the sides of the nose, beneath the cheekbones (to define them), along the jawline, and at the sides of the forehead. - **Light Highlight**: Apply it to the areas you want to illuminate, such as under the eyes (in an inverted triangle shape), on top of the cheekbones, along the bridge of the nose, and in the center of the forehead (if you want a bright look). **Application Method**: - **Contour**: Use an angled contour brush or a sponge to apply the dark shade to the defined areas, blending with upward strokes. Always blend the product well for a natural result. - **Highlight**: Use a small brush or your finger to apply the highlight to the areas you want to emphasize. You can also use a makeup sponge to blend the shades well. **Good Blending**: Make sure to blend the contour and highlight properly using a makeup sponge or brush. The goal is to achieve a natural, seamless look without clear lines between the colors. **Setting the Contour**: Use powder to set the contour and absorb excess shine, giving the face a long-lasting, natural appearance throughout the day.
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All e.l.f. products are free from phthalates, parabens, nonylphenol ethoxylates, triclosan, triclocarban, and hydroquinone. All skincare is also free from sulfates. All e.l.f. products are Vegan and Cruelty Free. This product is made in a Fair-Trade Certified factory.
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