6694dd41482995792deccef9C4 Original Fp30 Serv Id 12/Cshttps://store.kunooz.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6694dd6d06e6907933a26f43/c4-original-fp30-serv-id-12-cs-0fjpg.webp
Product Description:
Explosive energy heightened focus, and an overwhelming urge to tackle any challenge...that’s the C4 experience. Millions of people—ranging from beginners all the way up to the elite competitors, have relied on C4 pre-workout to help them turn their ambitions into achievements.
As America’s #1 selling pre-workout, C4 Original lives up to its solid reputation with a classic formula for advanced energy, endurance, focus, and pumps! But with a new bottle design and more delicious flavor options for you to choose from, you’ll feel like it’s your very first time experiencing the C4 pre-workout you know and love.
Whether you’re just starting a fitness journey or you’re striving to reach that next level, C4 Original will help you unlock your full potential.
1.6g CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine
1g Creatine Nitrate (NO3-T®)
150mg Caffeine
1g Arginine AKG
How to use:
Take one serving (1 level scoop) of C4® Original, mixed with 6 fl. oz of water 20-30 minutes before training.
Some individuals may experience a harmless tingling sensation, which is attributed to beta-alanine. Use only as directed.
Cautions & Warnings:
This product is only intended to be consumed by healthy adults, 18 years of age or older.
Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or are currently taking nitrates for chest pain or if you are taking medication used to treat erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors.
Before using this product, consult a licensed, qualified, healthcare professional, including but not limited to, if: you are taking antidepressants such as MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) or SSRI, blood thinners, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pseudoephedrine, or you are taking any other dietary supplement, prescription drug or over-the-counter medication; or if, you suspect you have or have been treated for, diagnosed with or have a family history of, any medical condition, including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, anxiety, cardiovascular, psychiatric or seizure disorders, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, or difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement.
This product contains caffeine and should not be used by individuals wishing to eliminate caffeine from their diet or in combination with caffeine or stimulants from other sources including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda, or other dietary supplements and medications.
Discontinue 2 weeks prior to surgery.
Immediately discontinue use and contact a medical doctor if you experience any adverse reaction to this product.
Do not exceed recommendations for Suggested Use.
Use only as directed.
Do not use if the safety seal is broken or missing.
{"_id":"6694dd41482995792deccef9","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"SEO":{},"metafields":{"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{},"benefits":"","ingredients":"","how_to_use":"","what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"description":"<p><strong>:وصف المنتج</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>طاقة كبيرة، تركيز عالِي، ورغبة ملحَة في خوض أي تحدِي رياضي، هذا ما تحصل عليه عند تجربة مشروب الطاقة سيلكور سي4 اي دي سيريس أوريجينال بري ورك آوت. يعتمد الملايين من الناس سواء كانوا مبتدئين أو منافسين محترفين على مشروب الطاقة ما قبل التمرين سيلكور سي4 أوريجينال لتحويل طموحاتهم إلى إنجازات على أرض الواقع.</li>\n<li>كونه مشروب الطاقة ما قبل التمرين الأكثر مبيعاً في الولايات المتحدة، يحافظ سيلكور أوريجينال على سُمعته الرائعة من خلال تركيبة كلاسيكية لطاقة مُضاعفة، اِستمرارية مُطوَلة أثناء التمرين، تركيز عالي، وضخ دم قوي للعضلات. مع تصميم العبوة الجديد والمزيد من النكهات الشهية لتختار منها ما ترغب، ستشعر وكأنك تجرِب مشروب ما قبل التمرين سي4 الذي تحبه لأول مرة على الإطلاق.</li>\n<li>سواء بدأت الآن في رحلتك الرياضية، أو كنت محترفاً وتطمح إلى مستويات أعلى من اللياقة البدنية، سيلكور سي4 أوريجينال سيساعدك لتكتشف كامل قدراتك.</li>\n<li>1.6غ من الكارنوسِن بيتا-ألانين</li>\n<li>1غ من نترات الكرياتين</li>\n<li>150مغ من الكافيين</li>\n<li>1غ من الأرجينين (ألفا ـ كيتوغلُوتارات)</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>:إرشادات الاستخدام</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>تناول حصة واحدة (1 سكوب) من سيلكور سي4 أوريجينال مع 6 أوقية من الماء، وتناوله 20-30 دقيقة قبل التدريب. قد يعاني بعض الأفراد من الإحساس بالوخز ولكنه غير ضار، والذي يُنسب إلى بيتا ألانين.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>:التحذيرات والاحتياطات</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>لاستهلاك البالغين الأصحاء فقط، الذين تبلغ أعمارهم 18 عامًا أو أكبر</li>\n<li>لا تستخدم هذا المنتج إذا كنت حامل أو مرضعة أو تتناولين حاليًا النترات لألم في الصدر أو إذا كنت تتناول دواءًا يستخدم لعلاج الضعف الجنسي مثل المثبطات PDE-5.</li>\n<li>قبل استخدام هذا المنتج ، استشر أخصائي رعاية صحية مرخصًا ومؤهلًا ، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر ، إذا كنت تتناول مضادات الاكتئاب مثل MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) أو SSRI ، مخففات الدم ، عقاقير مضادة للالتهابات غير الستيرويدية ، السودوإيفيدرين ، أو يتناولون أي مكملات غذائية أخرى أو وصفة طبية أو دواء بدون وصفة طبية ؛ أو إذا كنت تشك في أنك عوملت أو عولجت من أي حالة طبية أو تم تشخيصها أو لديك تاريخ عائلي فيها ، بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر: ارتفاع ضغط الدم أو انخفاضه أو السكري أو الجلوكوما أو القلق أو اضطرابات القلب والأوعية الدموية أو الأمراض النفسية أو النوبات. ، عدم انتظام ضربات القلب ، السكتة الدماغية ، القلب ، الكبد ، أمراض الكلى أو الغدة الدرقية ، أو صعوبة التبول بسبب تضخم البروستاتا.</li>\n<li>يحتوي هذا المنتج على مادة الكافيين ولا يجب استخدامه من قبل الأفراد الذين يرغبون في التخلص من الكافيين من نظامهم الغذائي أو بالاشتراك مع الكافيين أو المنشطات من مصادر أخرى بما في ذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر ، القهوة أو الشاي أو المشروبات الغازية أو غيرها من المكملات الغذائية والأدوية</li>\n<li>وقف 2 أسابيع قبل الجراحة</li>\n<li>التوقف فوراً عن الاستخدام والاتصال بالطبيب إذا واجهت أي رد فعل سلبي على هذا المنتج</li>\n<li>لا تتجاوز توصيات الاستخدام المقترح</li>\n<li>استخدم فقط وفقا لتوجيهات</li>\n<li>لا تستخدم إذا كان ختم الأمان مكسورًا أو مفقودًا</li>\n<li>تخزين في مكان بارد وجاف</li>\n<li>يحفظ بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>:المكونات</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>حجم الحصة: 1 سكوب (جرام)6</li>\n<li>حصص لكل علبة: 60</li>\n<li>القيمة لكل حصة القيمة اليومية</li>\n<li>فيتامين سي (حمض الاسكوربيك)250</li>\n<li>النياسين (نياكيناميد) 30 مغ</li>\n<li>فيتامين ب-6 (بيريدوكسال-5-فوسفات)500 ميكروغرام</li>\n<li>حمض الفوليك250 ميكروغرام</li>\n<li>فيتامين(ميثيلكوبالامين) 35 ميكروغرام</li>\n<li>كارنوسين بيتا ألانين 1.6 غ</li>\n<li>نترات الكرياتين (NO3-T) أرجينين ألفا كيتوغلوتارات</li>\n<li>مج425 مزيج الطاقه المتفجرة</li>\n<li>(رن-أسيتيل-ل- التيروزين، الكافيين اللامائي (150 مغ)، المخملية فول (موكونا برورينز) استخراج البذور (موحدة ل ل- دوبا ثاكرين ()</li>\n</ul>","name":"سى فور أوريجينال أف بى 30 حصة غذائية"},"EN":{}}},"inventory_management":"automatic","publish":"1","location_availability_mode":"default","seller":"5e5ba36356297b5dd7d7df93","approve":"approved","alias":"c4-original-fp30-serv-id-12-cs","images":[{"image":"6694dd6d06e6907933a26f43/c4-original-fp30-serv-id-12-cs-0fjpg.webp","_id":"6694dd96d91ea755844d9120","_metadata":{"image":{"name":"c4-original-fp30-serv-id-12-cs-0fjpg.webp","type":"image/webp","size":22150,"versioning":true,"_id":"6694dd6d06e6907933a26f43","data":"s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6694dd6d06e6907933a26f45/c4-original-fp30-serv-id-12-cs-0fjpg.webp"}}}],"collections":["exclude-from-coupon","up-to-25percent","tiqmo","non-medicine-2024"],"categories":["vitamins-and-supplements","healthy-food","sport-nutrition","protein-and-choclate-bars","wellness"],"tax":"5e7afbf58c3a1a400643f7c3","metafields":{"unitSAP":"EA","kunooz_product_type":[],"health_conditions":[],"frequently_bought":[],"use_it_with":[],"pick_your_free_items":[],"combo_offer":[],"kunooz_categories":[],"whites_categories":[],"skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{},"benefits":"","ingredients":"","how_to_use":"","what_is":"","therapeutic_uses":"","dosage_and_administration":"","contraindication_and_drug_interaction":"","warning_and_precautions":"","side_effects":"","more_information":""},"substore":["whites-express","kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"description":"<p><strong>Product Description:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Explosive energy heightened focus, and an overwhelming urge to tackle any challenge...that’s the C4 experience. Millions of people­—ranging from beginners all the way up to the elite competitors, have relied on C4 pre-workout to help them turn their ambitions into achievements.</li>\n<li>As America’s #1 selling pre-workout, C4 Original lives up to its solid reputation with a classic formula for advanced energy, endurance, focus, and pumps! But with a new bottle design and more delicious flavor options for you to choose from, you’ll feel like it’s your very first time experiencing the C4 pre-workout you know and love.</li>\n<li>Whether you’re just starting a fitness journey or you’re striving to reach that next level, C4 Original will help you unlock your full potential.</li>\n<li>1.6g CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine</li>\n<li>1g Creatine Nitrate (NO3-T®)</li>\n<li>150mg Caffeine</li>\n<li>1g Arginine AKG</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>How to use:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Take one serving (1 level scoop) of C4® Original, mixed with 6 fl. oz of water 20-30 minutes before training.</li>\n<li>Some individuals may experience a harmless tingling sensation, which is attributed to beta-alanine. Use only as directed.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Cautions & Warnings:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>This product is only intended to be consumed by healthy adults, 18 years of age or older.</li>\n<li>Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or are currently taking nitrates for chest pain or if you are taking medication used to treat erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors.</li>\n<li>Before using this product, consult a licensed, qualified, healthcare professional, including but not limited to, if: you are taking antidepressants such as MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) or SSRI, blood thinners, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pseudoephedrine, or you are taking any other dietary supplement, prescription drug or over-the-counter medication; or if, you suspect you have or have been treated for, diagnosed with or have a family history of, any medical condition, including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, anxiety, cardiovascular, psychiatric or seizure disorders, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, or difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement.</li>\n<li>This product contains caffeine and should not be used by individuals wishing to eliminate caffeine from their diet or in combination with caffeine or stimulants from other sources including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda, or other dietary supplements and medications.</li>\n<li>Discontinue 2 weeks prior to surgery.</li>\n<li>Immediately discontinue use and contact a medical doctor if you experience any adverse reaction to this product.</li>\n<li>Do not exceed recommendations for Suggested Use.</li>\n<li>Use only as directed.</li>\n<li>Do not use if the safety seal is broken or missing.</li>\n<li>Store in a cool dry place.</li>\n<li>Keep out of reach of children.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Ingredients:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Beta-Alanine</li>\n<li>30 Servings</li>\n<li>Serving Size: 1 Scoop (6g)</li>\n<li>Servings Per Container: 30</li>\n<li>Amount Per Serving %DV</li>\n<li>Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid) 250 mg</li>\n<li>Niacinamide 30 mg</li>\n<li>Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate) 500 mcg</li>\n<li>Fotate ( as Folic Acid) 150 mcg</li>\n<li>Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 25mcg</li>\n<li>CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine 1600mg</li>\n<li>Creatine Nitrate (NO3-T™) 1000mg</li>\n<li>Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate 1000mg</li>\n<li>Explosive Energy Blend 375mg</li>\n<li>N-Acetyl-L-Tyrosine, Caffeine Anhydrous (150mg), Theacrine (as TeaCrine®)</li>\n<li>† Daily Value not established.</li>\n<li>Other Ingredients:</li>\n<li>Natural & Artificial Flavors, Citric Acid, Malic Acid, Silicon Dioxide, Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium</li>\n</ul>","sku":"33737","brand":"CELLUCOR","price":143.75,"name":"C4 Original Fp30 Serv Id 12/Cs","inventory_quantity":0,"shippingTax":"default","unique_barcodes":[],"uniquesku":["33737"],"attributes":[{"name":"_brand","value":"CELLUCOR","_id":"67ade119171ecc002bd4e7cb"}],"inventory_management_level":"product","available":false,"sort_order":0,"kunooz_sort_order":2000000000,"whites_sort_order":2000000000,"compare_price_discount":0,"compare_price_discount_pct":0,"media":[],"dimension":{},"options":[],"SEO":{},"files":[],"ondc":{},"google_shopping":{},"gift_card_options":{"type":"digital","valid_for":{}},"created_on":"2024-07-15T08:26:41.950Z","original_sort_order":2000000000,"_created_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","_updated_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","updated_on":"2025-02-13T12:10:01.674Z","min_limit_to_buy_this_product":1,"list_price":143.75,"our_price":143.75,"original_price":143.75,"discounts_total":0,"discounts_percentage":"0.000","discount_total":0,"approved_prescription":"unapproved","featured_image":{"image":"6694dd6d06e6907933a26f43/c4-original-fp30-serv-id-12-cs-0fjpg.webp","_id":"6694dd96d91ea755844d9120","_metadata":{"image":{"name":"c4-original-fp30-serv-id-12-cs-0fjpg.webp","type":"image/webp","size":22150,"versioning":true,"_id":"6694dd6d06e6907933a26f43","data":"s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6694dd6d06e6907933a26f45/c4-original-fp30-serv-id-12-cs-0fjpg.webp"}}},"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{},"newimages":true}
Explosive energy heightened focus, and an overwhelming urge to tackle any challenge...that’s the C4 experience. Millions of people—ranging from beginners all the way up to the elite competitors, have relied on C4 pre-workout to help them turn their ambitions into achievements.
As America’s #1 selling pre-workout, C4 Original lives up to its solid reputation with a classic formula for advanced energy, endurance, focus, and pumps! But with a new bottle design and more delicious flavor options for you to choose from, you’ll feel like it’s your very first time experiencing the C4 pre-workout you know and love.
Whether you’re just starting a fitness journey or you’re striving to reach that next level, C4 Original will help you unlock your full potential.
1.6g CarnoSyn® Beta-Alanine
1g Creatine Nitrate (NO3-T®)
150mg Caffeine
1g Arginine AKG
How to use:
Take one serving (1 level scoop) of C4® Original, mixed with 6 fl. oz of water 20-30 minutes before training.
Some individuals may experience a harmless tingling sensation, which is attributed to beta-alanine. Use only as directed.
Cautions & Warnings:
This product is only intended to be consumed by healthy adults, 18 years of age or older.
Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or are currently taking nitrates for chest pain or if you are taking medication used to treat erectile dysfunction such as PDE-5 inhibitors.
Before using this product, consult a licensed, qualified, healthcare professional, including but not limited to, if: you are taking antidepressants such as MAOI (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) or SSRI, blood thinners, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pseudoephedrine, or you are taking any other dietary supplement, prescription drug or over-the-counter medication; or if, you suspect you have or have been treated for, diagnosed with or have a family history of, any medical condition, including but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, diabetes, glaucoma, anxiety, cardiovascular, psychiatric or seizure disorders, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver, kidney or thyroid disease, or difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement.
This product contains caffeine and should not be used by individuals wishing to eliminate caffeine from their diet or in combination with caffeine or stimulants from other sources including but not limited to, coffee, tea, soda, or other dietary supplements and medications.
Discontinue 2 weeks prior to surgery.
Immediately discontinue use and contact a medical doctor if you experience any adverse reaction to this product.
Do not exceed recommendations for Suggested Use.
Use only as directed.
Do not use if the safety seal is broken or missing.