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669503fba2e4e1eb3343361f Avalon P.I. 10% Antiseptic Solution 250m //:0 Povidone Iodine kills a wide range of germs including bacteria, viruses, fungi and simple organisms. Povidone Iodine is used for the prevention and treatment of skin infections such as cold sores, and in grazes, abrasions, cuts and wounds. 11659
in stock SAR 50
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Avalon P.I. 10% Antiseptic Solution 250m

SAR 50

Povidone Iodine kills a wide range of germs including bacteria, viruses, fungi and simple organisms. Povidone Iodine is used for the prevention and treatment of skin infections such as cold sores, and in grazes, abrasions, cuts and wounds.
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For topical use on the skin only: Do NOT use Povidone Iodine inside your body. Adults, the elderly and children over 2 years of age: Apply directly to the affected area of skin once or twice daily as directed. Allow to dry, and cover with a dressing if desired.
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Povidone Iodine 100 mg/ml
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